
Filebot vs tinymediamanager
Filebot vs tinymediamanager

filebot vs tinymediamanager

My setup has evolved overtime, pretty happy with it currently, working it batches it goes quick.ġ) Acquire raw media files. Naming and metadata are often overlooked but BY FAR the most important thing imho, all downstream services rely on good names and meta tags. Hi! Data hoarder and curator here, mostly focused on video content. It’s saving you less work here but you’re still letting FileBot do the hard work of putting it into the Plex naming convention with one click. Sometimes the episode name is pretty obvious and you can skip around to see that they are obviously at the location mentioned in the title or something (may have to skim the Wikipedia episode synopsis). Sometimes the show has the name of the episode at the beginning or end (often cartoons) and you can just check against the episode list on TVDB or Wikipedia. manually so you can use the option 1 format.

filebot vs tinymediamanager

You can sort out the episodes into simple 01, 02, etc. If the disc titles are not in order, than you have a little work to do. Those will disappear from the list and the next batch/disc is ready.

filebot vs tinymediamanager

It’ll show up red but it should just match them up in sequential order. Then, one disc at a time, drag in the episodes. Remove all the episodes/specials from the beginning of the list that you don’t have. In filebot, search for the right show and add it to the rename window. The files are named title_01, etc., in folders by disc, and whoever released the disc did you a solid and put the episode titles in sequential order on the disc (with maybe some special features titles at the end of each disc). So if you have Show Name/Season 1/01.mkv, etc., it should be able to automatically match everything.Ģ. The folder/files are already named close enough that FileBot can figure it out.

Filebot vs tinymediamanager